Statements on Reinheldt GmbH

This website is run by Reinheldt GmbH. Reinheldt GmbH is legally represented by its Managing Directors, Ulrike Reinheldt , Muhammad Ali Reinheldt Lodhi.

Augsburg Local Court
Register of Commerce number: HRB 33135
Turnover Tax Identification Number:
DE 274291455307080.


This website has been put together with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no warranty can be assumed for freedom from errors and precision of the information contained. All liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from the use of this website is ruled out to the extent that it is not based on malice aforethought or gross negligence.

If reference is made to websites run by third parties from this website, Reinheldt GmbH assumes no responsibility for their contents.

Responsible for the contents:

Reinheldt GmbH

Feldstrasse 14, D 86922 Eresing
Tel. +49 (0) 8193 9906 108
Fax +49 (0) 8193 9961 490